Rainbow in the sky

phyllis unkefer

  • God put a rainbow in the sky

    Rainbow in the sky, rainbow in the sky

    My God put a rainbow in the sky

    Rainbow in the sky, rainbow in the sky

    It looked like the sun wasn't gonna shine anymore

    Oh, but God, He put a rainbow in the sky

    When God shut Noah in the grand old ark

    You know my God, He put a rainbow in the sky (Yes, He did)

    When the thunders rolled and the day was dark

    You know my God, He put a rainbow in the sky

    God put a rainbow in the sky

    A rainbow in the sky, a rainbow in the sky

    My God put a rainbow in the sky

    A rainbow in the sky, a rainbow in the sky

    It looked like the sun wasn't gonna shine anymore

    Oh, but God, He put a rainbow in the sky

    Away down yonder, in Egypt's sand

    You know my God, He put a rainbow in the sky

    Just to lead His children, to the promised land

    You know my God, He put a rainbow in the sky

    God put a rainbow in the sky

    A rainbow in the sky, a rainbow in the sky

    My God put a rainbow in the sky

    A rainbow in the sky, a rainbow in the sky

    It looked like the sun wasn't gonna shine anymore

    Oh, but God, He put a rainbow in the sky

    Now the Jordan's deep, and the Jordan's wide

    He will lead His children, to the other side

    Because my God, He put a rainbow in the sky

    God put a rainbow in the sky

    A rainbow in the sky, a rainbow in the sky

    My God put a rainbow in the sky

    A rainbow in the sky, a rainbow in the sky

    It looked like the sun wasn't gonna shine anymore

    I'm talking about when the sky is dark, and your head is low, and you lost your hope

    That's right when, God will put a, a rainbow in the sky

    I'm telling you, God, He put a rainbow in the sky

    I'm saying that, God put a rainbow in the sky