Luke & Rosemary Skaggs
I walk winter’s silence
Pulled in so close
So close against me
I can hardly breathe
I recall all those nights
Unrest biting my heels
And I would run, yes I would run
My bare feet against the pavement
Just a streak against the sky
There I’d go and there I’d run
To beat encouragement into my bones
So I could wake up the next morning
And not feel so heavy
I walk close my eyes
Feel the wind come alive
The leaves stir and rise
Like my heart when I think of your faithfulness
And I recall all those nights
Spent looking at the sky with you
And you would say
Look at the stars
and I’d try to understand
But felt comfort nonetheless
Just a streak against the sky
There I’d go and there I’d run
To try and understand
What you meant when you said
that you believe in me
That you love me
And you hold me
like you hold the stars